Yasna will process the raw data once she’s done chatting with your audience. You will be able to view this raw data in a digestible way through:
- Summaries. Short and structured summaries of each interview with key take-aways.
- Dialogues. Chunks of interviews grouped in relevance to the topics you wanted to learn about.
Most importantly, Yasna will perform data analysis and compile a report with 2 main sections:
- Storytelling. This section contains the answers to your questions backed up by illustrative quotes with links to original interview transcripts for easy access. You’ll also find recommendations, conclusions and insights here:

- Scale. If your project spans 100 interviews or more, Yasna will run numerical validation. Facts mentioned by interviewees such as brand names, usage occasions, motivators, barriers etc. will be quantified and turned into percentages:

And there’s no additional cost for one-click built-in translation.
We’ve added a new reporting tab to the interface — Reporting Beta. This is an updated format of the report that is 100% customizable to your needs. Jump here to see how the updated reporting works.
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