Once you’re happy with the number of interviews (data collection is complete), navigate to the Reporting tab to read the conclusions with illustrative quotes and statistics.

To get familiar with the main reporting features, check out the interactive demo below or follow the detailed guide further down.



The main reporting view is found under the Reporting tab.

Once the interviews are done, you’ll receive a ready-to-digest report with summaries for each topic.

In addition to the standard layout you can create new blocks with conclusions tailored to your preferences. Simply add a prompt, and Yasna will re-do the data analysis based on your new instructions.

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Illustrative Insights. Beyond structured lists of insights, your report can include percentage distributions of facts as well as illustrative quotes to support the conclusions, making the report both informative and engaging.

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Customise Prompts. You’ll find a Star button next to each block with conclusions. By clicking it you can view the current prompt Yasna used to analyse that group of questions. Feel free to adjust the prompt if needed.

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In the Dialogue view, relevant parts of the interviews are grouped and structured according to the topics you listed during the setup phase.

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If Yasna collected 100 interviews or more, you will be able to view the percentage distributions (Scale view) of facts mentioned by interviewees, such as brand names, usage occasions, motivators, barriers, etc.