Online research panels are the companies that provide access to a pool of participants for the purpose of market research or user research. They have dedicated websites where people can sign up to take part in different types of research activities, such as online surveys, video interviews or AI-conversational chats (like Yasna).
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Despite the advantages of this method of recruitment, responses may lack depth compared to those obtained through specialized recruitment. There's also a risk of dishonest responses, especially if incentives are involved, which can affect the quality of the data.
A participant’s journey starts on the online panel site, where their eligibility is verified against the required criteria. Once qualified, they are invited to an interview and provided with a link to a Yasna chat room.
After completing the chat, Yasna seamlessly redirects the participant back to the panel website. If the interview meets the required standards, the participant is rewarded by the panel.
To enable participants to start chatting with Yasna, you’ll need to generate a link that the online panel can share with them.